From me mailer, part 1-4: People makin' stuff that is goooooood.

1- Cedric Bixler

Frontman for the Mars Volta and At the Drive-in, Bixler is one of my favorite performers. I love these performances on Letterman- and the fact that they are on Letterman...
Wax Simulcra, 2008 and One-Armed Scissor.

2- Xochi Solis
Beauty works. I came across Solis's work in one of my favorite books on collage (yes, there are multiple): Collage: Contemporary Artists Hunt and Gather, Cut and Paste, Mash Up and Transform by Danielle Krysa, link.
... her works consist of carefully layered color, texture, and image- often titled and influenced by music. Being a 90s gal myself, Solis's particular musical selections have a particularly meaningful draw. As do the delicious interactions of color she crafts.

3- Maggie Nelson
BluetsThe ArgonautsThe Art of Cruelty... read them all. Just a heads up Midwest folk, Nelson is giving a free talk Monday, April 30 in Chicago. [The even has passed, but just buy Bluets so you can read it all the time]. I will be dancing in a new work by the lovely Sara Hook and cannot be there. Take notes for me, please. 

Dear Maggie Nelson,
I hope to one day meet you and talk about color and tell you what I've been working on and ask for help and maybe you'll be able to or maybe you won't but maybe you'll write another book that guides me despite


4- NEW RELEASE(s) that may bring you some pleasure: The Breeders All NerveMind Over Mirrors Bellowing Sun, and Sons of Kemet Your Queen Is A Reptile (THANK YOU Abby Z for introducing me to this band.)