We are not responsible for knowing how to do this in this moment, but we can discover and share what works for us - laying the foundation for each other about what this version of being together can be, and how it can run alongside what we have already created - as opposed to replacing. I’m again and again returning to how dancing feels good. It feels good in my brain and my body. And the way it feels good shifts over time. Big early years of hard-ass flipping’ around got committed to endless trials of face plants. The sensation of a yawn still delights me. Complicated (yet simple) fast footy weight shifts were EVERYTHING. What brings kinesthetic delight (B. Diley) shifts. But what remains the same is that I dance because I like the way it feels.
I’m thinking that it is especially necessary to sit with this right now as we are remote, in limited spaces, together but so completely not. I’m thinking about the essential workers - essential as in absolutely needed - shelter, water, food, medicine. And we aren’t those. It isn’t helpful to me right now to pretend we are. If someone needed me to participate in developing a vaccine - no amount of pivots and empathy are gonna bring forward any EUREKA moment! But, dancing is connected to one’s vitality - vital as in “life-giving” - quality, energy, mindfulness. We work in vitality.
A playlist for recent living room classes: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3e5S49axO9orvDEKEP6XWO?si=-624-gwzSjyLyaUj4AfGsw